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City in Nature

     In a world affected by climate change, building a city in nature shields us from the intense heat and effect from global warming.


     Singapore's 5 Strategies for building a City in Nature:


  • Expand the Nature Park Network

  • Intensify nature in gardens and parks

  • Restore nature into the urban landscape

  • Strengthen connectivity between Singapore’s green spaces

  • Enhance veterinary care and animal management

Let us look forward to one of the first City in Nature in the entire world!

City in Garden.png

Energy Reset

  • Solar energy is one of the most promising renewables that can implemented in Singapore. In July 2021, Singapore officially opened the large-scale 60 megawatt-peak floating solar panel system at Tengeh Reservoir, which is about the size of 45 football fields. We are expected to increase our solar efforts by close to 4 times in 2030. 


  • Green Transport: MOS would encourage the usage of green transport amongst citizens to reduce the unnecessary pollutions resulting from transport.


  • Green and smart buildings: Buildings account for close to 20% of Singapore's emissions. 

Electrical Engineer

Resilient Future

  • Climate change could cause mean sea-level rise of up to 1 metre by 2100 in Singapore. If there is a confluence of extreme high tides and storm surges, some projections suggest that sea levels could be as high as 4 to 5 metres. This is high enough to potentially flood one-third of Singapore. Engineering solutions to prevent flooding are extensively researched into. 


  • Strengthen food security: Singapore wishes to build up our agri-food industry’s capability and capacity to produce 30% of our nutritional needs locally and sustainably by 2030. A $60 million Agri-Food Cluster Transformation (ACT) Fund has been established to to provide funding support to farms to build and expand their production capabilities and capacities.

Food Photography

Sustainable Living

  • Circular Economy: Our vision of becoming a Zero Waste Nation powered by a circular economy, with “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” as a norm for citizens and businesses.

Recycling Bins
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